國際婦女節最初由婦女倡導和創立,目的是為了慶祝婦女逐漸在經濟、政治和社會上達到性別平等。國際婦女節於每年的3月8日舉行,且其聲勢也逐年增長,這天全世界將停下來對這個議題進行反思、制定改變計劃,並發起一個名為#choosetochallenge的挑戰。這個挑戰對於這個世界無疑是個警示,#choosetochallenge 的挑戰將會帶來改變。
平等來自於團結。國際婦女節的創立是為了讓人們團結在一起,為了性別平等、突破婦女所受到的限制而奮鬥,同時也是為了慶祝在這些年來獲得的成功。為了慶祝國際婦女節,EF和 Rapha也攜手在台北、台中和高雄舉辦名為Women’s Social Ride的單車騎行活動。
Originally championed and founded by women, International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and highlight the steps made to achieve gender parity. International Women’s Day grows every year on March 8th. During this day, the world pauses to reflect, make plans for change and #choosetochallenge. A challenged world is an alert world, and out of challenge comes change.
Equality lives in coming together. Here’s to joining together for adventure, different perspectives and making connections. Here’s to pushing boundaries and celebrating victories. In honor of International Women’s Day, EF and Rapha hit the road together for a Women’s Social Ride in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung.
In Kaohsiung women cyclist rallied for a great ride, some experienced riders, others new to the sport, but all with the same intention of supporting each other.
Kaohsiung | source: Rapha Taiwan
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
Taipei | source: Rapha Taiwan
Celebrate the wins of women everywhere!
Taichung | source: Rapha Taiwan
In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating our supportive global community of incredible women.