對於高中生來說,選擇在哪裡申請大學可能會不知所措,尤其是考慮到美國有超過4,000家四年制大學/大學可供考慮。 在有限的情況下了解美國大學,其實對於國際學生來說申請過程是很困難的。這導致了對排名(ranking)的過度依賴,儘管這在選擇大學時仍然是一個有效的考慮因素,但並不是學生做出決定所要依靠的主要標準。
排名 vs. 興趣
Much of the criteria used in determining ranks are more about academic status and less about overall belonging. The research regarding the rankings of a university is conducted at the graduate level and by professors which occasionally make the content subjective and is often not looked at from the perspective of an incoming undergraduate student. At EF Academy New York, we also take into consideration a student’s specific program of study or interests, relationships with peers and professors, experiences and opportunities on a given college campus, among rankings.
很多人不知道,決定大學排名的許多標準其實更多地是關於學術地位,而不是整體歸屬感。 有關大學排名的研究是在研究生層次上進行的,並且是由教授進行的,這些研究有時使內容具有主觀性,而且通常不會從即將來臨的本科生的角度來研究。 在EF Academy紐約校區,我們還考慮了學生的特定學習計劃或興趣,與同行和教授的關係,在給定大學校園中的經驗和機會以及排名。
As such, teaching students to reflect on their future, their needs and their preferences in addition to their academic records and resume is one way the University Advising team at EF Academy New York guides students to determine their best college fit. If a student reflects on what college is the best fit, they will find the application process and its outcomes to be much more successful.
因此,除了在學業成績和履歷上,教給學生反思他們的未來,他們的需求和喜好是紐約EF學院的大學諮詢團隊指導學生確定他們最適合大學的一種方式。 如果學生反思哪所大學最合適,他們會發現申請過程及其結果會更加成功。
Determining the right university fit
So, what is fit? Fit incorporates many elements, starting with what a university offers in academic programming (majors/minors/opportunities), flexibility to change your program, if necessary, financial affordability, location, size of school, class size, and more that match a student’s needs. The other side of fit is determining a student’s admissibility at a given college. In other words, will the student be accepted? Curriculum choice, 9-12th grade course grades, test scores, community engagement, extra-curricular pursuits, service to others, leadership, and traits such as curiosity, creativity and “grit” are just a few of the elements a university uses to determine fit and admissibility.
那麼,什麼合適呢? Fit包含許多要素,從大學提供的學術課程(專業/副修/機會)開始,靈活地更改課程(如有必要),經濟負擔能力,位置,學校規模,班級規模,以及滿足學生需求的更多內容 。 合適的另一面是確定學生在指定大學的錄取率。 換句話說,學生會被錄取嗎? 課程選擇,9-12年級的課程成績,測試成績,社區參與度,課外活動,對他人的服務,領導能力以及諸如好奇心,創造力和“毅力”之類的特徵只是大學用來確定的一些要素 適合度和可接納性。
What we do to help
At EF Academy, Pathway Managers meet with students to help guide them in choosing course work that fits their interests and abilities, as well as assuring that they will graduate with the proper credits for a diploma. They also encourage students to become involved on campus by participating in clubs and activities. Students even have an opportunity to meet with one of their clubs during the school day as part of their schedule. The University Advising (UA) team presents annually to the 9th and 10th graders at a class meeting, as well as offering individual meetings at a student’s request. With underclassmen, the UA team teaches students to understand the U.S. education system, testing requirements across countries, and shares tips for making the most of 9th- 11th grade to assure competitiveness in their college applications the senior year.
在EF Academy紐約校區,銜接課程的管理者會與學生會面,以幫助指導他們選擇適合自己興趣和能力的課程工作,並確保他們將獲得適當的學分以取得文憑。 他們還鼓勵學生通過參加俱樂部和活動來參與校園活動。 在上課日期間,學生甚至有機會與他們的一個俱樂部見面,這是他們日程安排的一部分。 大學諮詢(UA)小組每年向班級會議的9年級和10年級學生進行演講,並應學生的要求提供個人會議。 UA小組與低年級學生一起教學生了解美國的教育體系,各個國家的考試要求,並分享充分利用9-11年級的技巧,以確保高年級學生在大學申請中的競爭力。
UA also continues to encourage personal growth and active engagement in the classroom, as well as on campus. In the spring of the junior year, University Advisers meet individually with juniors to discuss and reflect on each student’s ideas and plans. Each junior is given a list of universities to research and consider. This list continues to be modified and fine-tuned as the student deeply researches to develop context that will help them arrive at colleges that really fit. For seniors, our goal is to know why they are applying to a university, considering what is important to them as individuals, and consequentially, would be thrilled to attend any college on their list.
UA還將繼續鼓勵個人成長和積極參與課堂以及校園活動。 在三年級的春天,大學顧問與大三學生分別開會,討論和思考每個學生的想法和計劃。 每位大三學生都會獲得一份大學列表,以供研究和考慮。 隨著學生深入研究以開發有助於他們進入真正適合的大學的環境,該列表將繼續進行修改和微調。 對於高年級學生,我們的目標是知道他們為什麼要申請大學,考慮什麼對他們個人來說很重要,因此,很高興能參加他們名單上的任何一所大學。
Using fit as the goal rather than ranking assures that a student has fully and thoughtfully engaged in their unique college admissions process. This awareness and ownership are necessary for a positive and successful college admissions experience.
使用適合度作為目標而不是排名,可以確保學生充分而周到地參與了他們獨特的大學錄取過程。 這種認識和主人翁精神對於積極和成功的大學錄取經驗是必要的。點擊了解學校學術-升學相關預備。